Constitution of The Friends of Reading Abbey  (Founded in 1984)

As agreed at the Annual General Meeting held on 22 October 2005
And amended at the Annual General Meeting held on 24 October 2015

  1. The group shall be called The Friends of Reading Abbey (The Friends).
  2. The aims of the group shall be:
    1. To aid in all possible ways the preservation of the ruins of Reading Abbey for the enjoyment of all people.
    2. To spread the knowledge of Reading Abbey and increase public awareness of its history.
    3. To aid projects financially, as determined by the Friends.
  3. There shall be patrons of the Friends nominated by the Committee and approved at a general meeting of The Friends. All officers and committee members to be elected at each Annual General Meeting.
  4. There shall be the following officers:
    1. President
    2. Two Vice-Presidents
    3. Chairman
    4. Secretary
    5. Treasurer
    6. The Committee shall comprise the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, and five Committee members in addition to these officers1
  5. Four members shall form a quorum for committee meetings.
  6. The Chairman shall take the chair at all meetings at which he or she is present. If the Chairman is not present, the meeting will elect an Acting Chairman from amongst those present.
  7. The Chairman shall exercise a second, casting vote in the event of a tied vote2.
  8. The committee shall have power to coopt up to two members from the membership of the Friends.
  9. The Subscription shall either be paid annually or as a single life payment, and shall be sums to be determined by the Committee and approved at the next Annual General Meeting.
  10. Any amendments to the Constitution shall be presented to the members for approval at the Annual General Meeting, following the Committee meeting at which these amendments had been suggested and recommended.
  11. In the event of the Friends deciding to dissolve, this shall be proposed to the membership at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Twenty eight days notice of this meeting shall be given and the resolution to dissolve decided by a vote of three quarters of the members present at that meeting, being in favour of the resolution.
  12. All assets held by the Friends following a decision at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members to dissolve, shall be donated as that EGM directs.

End of the Constitution of The Friends of Reading Abbey.


1Amended at the AGM on 24 October 2015
2Amended at the AGM on 24 October 2015